Vi är vana att städa våra hem, men vi behöver också göra rent vår aura och energiområdet som omger vår kropp. Auran sänder ut information i vår omgivning men samlar också intryck under dagen. Ibland...
Blue lotus - blå lotus blomma

Blue Lotus - Flower of Intuition

SACRED LOTUS Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea), also known as Egyptian lotus or sacred lotus, is a water lily with significant cultural and spiritual significance in ancient Egypt. It is known for its striking blue flowers...
Mjukstarta med naturliga dofter

Soft start with natural fragrances

AUTUMN START Let the holiday feeling linger with routines and scents that provide energy and recovery. A soft start with natural scents can create a harmonious and inspiring environment as you enter a new working...
Rökelsens tre funktioner

The three functions of incense

FUNCTIONS OF INCENSE The incense has three functions that are linked to different scent families. The aromatherapy school and modern studies show that natural scents affect humans through our nervous system and thus have the...
Doftsinnet - vårt första sinne

The sense of smell - our first sense

THE SENSE OF SCENT Humans are born into the world with our five senses. It is through these that we discover, interpret and live our lives. From the moment we are born, the sense of...
En ultimat guide till hur du kan använda Palo Santo i dina dagliga ritualer

Palo Santo Ritual Guide

PURIFY - PROTECT - HEALING Palo Santo is a natural incense with a long history among the indigenous people of South America in ceremonies to create calm and whole and clean energies. Palo Santo is...
Protecting Ritual Guide

Protecting Ritual Guide

GUARD - PROTECT - SHIELD The protective ritual - "Protective Incense" creates a protective barrier of smoke and cleanses you of physical and emotional negative energies. A defense that protects, nurtures and helps you towards...
En ritual för att på djupet rena människor och platser från negativa energier

Purifying Ritual Guide

CLEANSE - PURIFY - RELEASE This ritual is for cleansing people, objects and spaces of physical and emotional negative energy. The ritual also connects you closer to your dreams, desires, intentions and spiritual dimensions. Energy...
Meditation Ritual Guide

Meditation Ritual Guide

In this guide, you can read more about how you can enhance and deepen your practice of meditation or yoga with the help of natural scents and incense. For millennia, we humans have used dried...