Botánico Clove & Rose incense Sagrada Madre
Syzygium Aromaticum & Rosa
Clove is a tree in the myrtle family originally from the Moluccas "Spice Islands" archipelago in eastern Indonesia. The tree can grow up to 10 meters tall and is grown mainly in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The species name is Latin and means of spices based on the Greek αρομα (aroma), which means spice. The spicy scent promotes an abundance of romance and sensual energy.
Fragrance notes : warm, sweet and spicy fragrance with hints of roses.
Scent intensity : 3/5
Smoke intensity : 3/5
Botánico is a series of innovative and completely biodynamic incense that does not have a traditional wooden stick.